Marvel Events and Me
Hey guys, this is Planet-M. Today I’ve decided to do an informative rant on the current state of Marvel and what I think of their events and trust me this is a subject I will not be going easy on.
So at the time of this blog the current Marvel event is Secret Empire.
Which looks good, but once again we have another big crossover event which will take characters away from their own books to fight in what is essentially another superhero slug-fest (Since Captain America is a Superhero and I know he is Hydra now, but he is probably and eventually going to be turned back into a hero), just like the other Marvel events we’ve had like…
Civil War II
Death Of X
Inhumans VS X-Men
to name a few.
One of the problems Marvel is facing is the fact that they are relying too much on big event comics which is just a way for them to boost sales, I mean before All New All Different Marvel even settled (After being started by an event comic) they put out a new event practically every week and all it does is interfere with the stories we do want to read from Marvel and the events probably wind up ending those good stories anti-climatically, like Guardians of the Galaxy after Civil War II.
One of the few Marvel Comics I’ve loved reading from All New All Different Marvel is the Scarlett Witch, it focuses on the characters own progression through her own story arc, the book never got involved with big events except Civil War II, but that issue focused on the Scarlett Witch still and then reinforced her neutrality in the event and the comic came to natural conclusion probably a first for any All New All Different Marvel Comic.
DC has handled their events and books better as well, one of the best things about Scott Snyder's run on Batman was the fact that he didn't feature the other members of the justice league till the Endgame storyline and he didn't trail off from his story by getting his book involved with events, he thought for his creative control.
With DC Rebirth we have better control over events as well, with most of them being small contained crossover events like the Button between Batman and The Flash or the Lazarus Contract between Teen Titans, Deathstroke and The Titans.
Now if Marvel thought about the stories more than big universe events then maybe their sales just might go up little. Thank You For Reading.